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版本:6.0 (Alpha) 🚀


HEVC,也就是H.265,是H.264的下一代编码,和AV1属于统一代的编解码器,H.265大概比H.264能节约一半的带宽,或者同等带宽下能提升 一倍的清晰度和画质。

当然,H.265的问题在于支持的客户端还不够广泛,几乎所有的设备都支持H.264,包括很差性能的手机或者盒子,对于H.264的支持都是有专门 的芯片,然而H.265虽然经过了差不多十年的发展,支持的设备还不够多。 在特定场景下,比如设备端明确支持H.265时,可以选择H.265, 否则还是选择H.264。

此外,传输协议对于H.265的支持也在逐步完善,但是还并非所有的协议都支持。MEPG-TS是最早支持H.265的,当然SRT和HLS是基于TS的协议, 所以也支持了;RTMP和HTTP-FLV,直到2023.03,终于Enhanced RTMP项目建立, 开始支持了HEVC和AV1;而WebRTC目前只有Safari支持了,据说Chrome还在开发中。

SRS 6.0正式支持了H.265的能力,若需要使用H.265功能,请切换到SRS 6.0版本。研发的详细过程请参考#465


SRS 支持 H.265(或 HEVC)的架构:

FFmpeg --RTMP(h.265)---> SRS ----RTMP/FLV/TS/HLS/WebRTC(h.265)--> Chrome/Safari


  • Chrome 105+ 默认支持 HEVC,参见这篇文章
    • 你可以通过 H5 视频直接播放 mp4,或者通过 MSE 播放 HTTP-FLV/HTTP-TS/HLS 等。
    • 请使用 mpegts.js 播放带有 HEVC 的 HTTP-TS。
    • mpegts.js 计划支持带有 HEVC 的 HTTP-FLV,参见 mpegts.js#64
  • OBS 29+ 支持 HEVC RTMP。
  • FFmpeg 或 ffplay 支持 libx265
    • FFmpeg 6支持HEVC RTMP,参考637c761b
    • FFmpeg 4或5,需要一些补丁来支持 RTMP/FLV 上的 HEVC,参见下面的**FFmpeg 工具**。
  • SRS 也支持 HEVC。

Note:要检查您的 Chrome 是否支持 HEVC,请打开 chrome://gpu 并搜索 hevc

对于 WebRTC:

  • Chrome 目前(2022.11)不支持 HEVC,但支持 AV1,请参见 #2324
  • Safari 支持 HEVC,如果用户启用它,请参见本节
  • SRS 也只支持 AV1,因为 Chrome 尚未支持 HEVC。



docker run --rm -it -p 1935:1935 -p 8080:8080 \
  ./objs/srs -c conf/hevc.flv.conf

Note:除了环境变量,您还可以使用conf/hevc.flv.confconf/hevc.ts.conf配置文件。 Note:建议使用conf/hevc.ts.conf,因为TS对于HEVC更好。


# 对于macOS
docker run --rm -it \
  ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -re -i doc/source.flv \
    -acodec copy -vcodec libx265 -f flv rtmp://host.docker.internal/live/livestream

# 对于linux
docker run --net=host --rm -it \
  ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -re -i doc/source.flv \
    -acodec copy -vcodec libx265 -f flv rtmp://





Note:如果要将直播流转换为MP4文件,请通过SRS_VHOST_DVR_ENABLED=on SRS_VHOST_DVR_DVR_PATH=./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream].[timestamp].mp4启用DVR MP4。



Status of HEVC in SRS

The status of protocols and HEVC:

  • PUSH HEVC over RTMP by FFmpeg. v6.0.2
  • PUSH HEVC over SRT by FFmpeg. v6.0.20
  • PUSH HEVC over RTMP by OBS. #3464
  • PUSH HEVC over SRT by OBS. v6.0.20
  • PUSH HEVC over GB28181. v6.0.25
  • PULL HEVC over RTMP by FFmpeg, with patch for FFmpeg. v6.0.2
  • PULL HEVC over HTTP-FLV by FFmpeg, with patch for FFmpeg. v6.0.2
  • PULL HEVC over HTTP-TS by FFmpeg v6.0.4
  • PULL HEVC over HLS by FFmpeg v6.0.11
  • PULL HEVC over MPEG-DASH by FFmpeg v6.0.14
  • PULL HEVC over SRT by FFmpeg. v6.0.20
  • PUSH HEVC over WebRTC by Safari. v6.0.34
  • PULL HEVC over WebRTC by Safari. v6.0.34
  • PUSH HEVC over WebRTC by Chrome/Firefox
  • PULL HEVC over WebRTC by Chrome/Firefox
  • Play HEVC over HTTP-TS by mpegts.js, by Chrome 105+ MSE, NO WASM. v6.0.1
  • Play pure video(no audio) HEVC over HTTP-TS by mpegts.js. v6.0.9
  • Play HEVC over HTTP-FLV by mpegts.js, by Chrome 105+ MSE, NO WASM. v6.0.1
  • Play HEVC over HLS by hls.js
  • Play HEVC over MPEG-DASH by dash.js
  • Play HEVC over HTTP-TS by ffplay, by offical release. v6.0.4
  • PULL HEVC over RTMP by ffplay, with patch for FFmpeg. v6.0.2
  • Play HEVC over HTTP-FLV by ffplay, with patch for FFmpeg. v6.0.2
  • Play pure video(no audio) HEVC by ffplay.
  • Play HEVC over HLS by ffplay. v6.0.11
  • Play HEVC over MPEG-DASH by ffplay. v6.0.14
  • Play HEVC over SRT by ffplay. v6.0.20
  • Play HEVC over HTTP-TS by VLC, by official release. v6.0.4
  • Play HEVC over SRT by VLC, by official. v6.0.20
  • Play pure video(no audio) HEVC by VLC.
  • Play HEVC over RTMP by VLC.
  • Play HEVC over HTTP-FLV by VLC.
  • Play HEVC over HLS by VLC. v6.0.11
  • Play HEVC over MPEG-DASH by VLC. v6.0.14
  • DVR HEVC to MP4/FLV file. v6.0.14
  • HTTP API contains HEVC metadata.
  • HTTP Callback takes HEVC metadata.
  • Prometheus Exporter supports HEVC metadata.
  • Improve coverage for HEVC.
  • Add regression/blackbox tests for HEVC.
  • Supports benchmark for HEVC by srs-bench.
  • Support patched FFmpeg for SRS dockers: CentOS7, Ubuntu20 and Encoder.
  • Update WordPress plugin SrsPlayer for HEVC.
  • Update srs-cloud for HEVC.
  • Edge server supports publish HEVC stream to origin.
  • Edge server supprots play HEVC stream from origin.
  • HEVC: Error empty SPS/PPS when coverting RTMP to HEVC.

Note: We're merging HEVC support to SRS 6.0, the original supports for HEVC is srs-gb28181/feature/h265 by runner365

FFmpeg Tools

镜像 ossrs/srs:encoderossrs/srs:6 中的 FFmpeg 是使用 libx265 构建的,并且支持 RTMP 上的 HEVC。因此,您可以直接使用:

docker run --rm -it --net host \ \
    ffmpeg -re -i doc/source.flv -acodec copy -vcodec libx265 \
      -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/livestream

如果您想从代码构建,请阅读以下说明。在构建 FFmpeg 之前,我们必须先构建 libx264

git clone ~/git/x264
cd ~/git/x264
./configure --prefix=$(pwd)/build --disable-asm --disable-cli --disable-shared --enable-static
make -j10
make install

然后是编译 libx265:

git clone ~/git/x265_git
cd ~/git/x265_git/build/linux
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$(pwd)/build -DENABLE_SHARED=OFF ../../source
make -j10
make install

请注意,FFmpeg 6.0 在以下提交之前不支持 RTMP 上的 HEVC 637c761b

commit 637c761be1bf9c3e1f0f347c5c3a390d7c32b282
Author: Steven Liu <>
Date:   Mon Aug 28 09:59:24 2023 +0800

    avformat/rtmpproto: support enhanced rtmp
    add option named rtmp_enhanced_codec,
    it would support hvc1,av01,vp09 now,
    the fourcc is using Array of strings.
    Signed-off-by: Steven Liu <>

因此,如果您使用的是 FFmpeg 6,您可以通过以下命令直接构建 FFmpeg,无需任何补丁:

git clone -b master ~/git/FFmpeg
cd ~/git/FFmpeg
env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/git/x264/build/lib/pkgconfig:~/git/x265_git/build/linux/build/lib/pkgconfig \
./configure \
  --prefix=$(pwd)/build \
  --enable-gpl --enable-nonfree --enable-pthreads --extra-libs=-lpthread \
  --disable-asm --disable-x86asm --disable-inline-asm \
  --enable-decoder=aac --enable-decoder=aac_fixed --enable-decoder=aac_latm --enable-encoder=aac \
  --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 \
make -j10

推送HEVC over RTMP 到 SRS:

./ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -re -i ~/srs/doc/source.flv -acodec copy -vcodec libx265 \
  -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/livestream

通过 ffplay 播放 HEVC over RTMP:

./ffplay rtmp://localhost/live/livestream


如果您想在 FFmpeg 4.1 或 5.1 中使用 HEVC over RTM,请阅读以下说明。请下载 FFmepg 并切换到 5.1:

Note: The specfication and usage to support HEVC over RTMP or FLV. There is a patch for FFmpeg 4.1/5.1/6.0 from runner365 for FFmpeg to support HEVC over RTMP or FLV. There is also a patch from Intel for this feature.

git clone -b n5.1.2 ~/git/FFmpeg

Then, patch for HEVC over RTMP/FLV:

git clone -b 5.1 ~/git/ffmpeg_rtmp_h265
cp ~/git/ffmpeg_rtmp_h265/flv.h ~/git/FFmpeg/libavformat/
cp ~/git/ffmpeg_rtmp_h265/flv*.c ~/git/FFmpeg/libavformat/



MSE is a base technology for mpegts.js, hls.js and dash.js.

Now Chrome 105+ supports HEVC by default, see this post, which means, MSE(Chrome 105+) is available for HEVC.

You can verify this feature, by generating a HEVC mp4 file:

ffmpeg -i ~/git/srs/trunk/doc/source.flv -acodec copy \
  -vcodec libx265 -y source.hevc.mp4

Note: Please make sure your FFmpeg is 5.0 and libx265 is enabled.

Open source.hevc.mp4 in Chrome 105+ directly, it should works.

You can also move the file to SRS webserver:

mkdir -p ~/git/srs/trunk/objs/nginx/html/vod/
mv source.hevc.mp4 ~/git/srs/trunk/objs/nginx/html/vod

Then open by srs-player

Safari WebRTC

Safari supports WebRTC, if you enable it by:

  • English version: Develop > Experimental Features > WebRTC H265 codec
  • Chinese version: Development > Experimental Features > WebRTC H265 codec

Then open the url in safari, to publish or play WebRTC stream:

Please follow other section to publish HEVC stream.

Thanks for Contributors

There is a list of commits and contributors about HEVC in SRS:

We will merge some of these commits to SRS 6.0, but not all commits.

Known Issues

  1. HEVC over Safari WebRTC, only support WebRTC to WebRTC, doesn't support converting to RTMP.
  2. Chrome/Firefox does not support HEVC, no any plan as I know.
  3. Almost all browsers supports MSE, except iOS. HEVC over MSE requires hardware decoder.
  4. Apart from mpegts.js, other H5 players such as hls.js/dash.js doesn't support HEVC.