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版本:6.0 (Alpha) 🚀


HLS是适配性和兼容性最好的流媒体协议,没有之一。这个世界上几乎所有的设备都能支持HLS协议,包括PC、Android、iOS、OTT、SmartTV等等。 各种各样的浏览器对HLS的支持也很好,包括Chrome、Safari、Firefox、Edge等等,包括移动端的浏览器。

如果你的用户群体是多种多样的,特别是设备性能还不太好,那么HLS是最好的选择。如果你希望兼容更多的设备,那么HLS是最好的选择。 如果你希望在任何一个CDN都能分发你的直播流,在全球范围内分发你的直播流,那么HLS是最好的选择。

当然了,HLS并不是没有毛病,它的问题就是延迟比较高,一般在30秒左右。虽然经过优化可以到8秒左右,但是不同播放器的行为可能不一致。 对比起其他流媒体协议,优化后的延迟也很高。因此如果你特别在意直播的延迟,那么请使用RTMP或者 HTTP-FLV协议。


  • 跨平台:PC主要的直播方案是HLS,可用hls.js库播放HLS。所以实际上如果选一种协议能跨PC/Android/IOS,那就是HLS。
  • iOS上苛刻的稳定性要求:iOS上最稳定的当然是HLS,稳定性不差于RTMP和HTTP-FLV的稳定性。
  • 友好的CDN分发方式:HLS分发的基础是HTTP,所以CDN的接入和分发会比RTMP更加完善。HLS能在各种CDN之间切换。
  • 简单问题少:HLS作为流媒体协议非常简单,apple支持得也很完善。Android对HLS的支持也会越来越完善。

HLS协议是SRS的核心协议,将会持续维护和更新,不断完善对HLS协议的支持。SRS将RTMP、SRT或WebRTC流,转换成HLS流。 特别是WebRTC,SRS实现了音频转码的能力。



docker run --rm -it -p 1935:1935 -p 8080:8080 \
  ./objs/srs -c conf/hls.conf

使用 FFmpeg(点击下载)OBS(点击下载) 推流:

ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/livestream


Note: 请等待大约10秒左右,再播放流,否则会播放失败,因为生成第一个切片需要一些时间。



vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    hls {
        # whether the hls is enabled.
        # if off, do not write hls(ts and m3u8) when publish.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_ENABLED for all vhosts.
        # default: off
        enabled on;

        # the hls fragment in seconds, the duration of a piece of ts.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_FRAGMENT for all vhosts.
        # default: 10
        hls_fragment 10;
        # the hls m3u8 target duration ratio,
        #   EXT-X-TARGETDURATION = hls_td_ratio * hls_fragment // init
        #   EXT-X-TARGETDURATION = max(ts_duration, EXT-X-TARGETDURATION) // for each ts
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_TD_RATIO for all vhosts.
        # default: 1.0
        hls_td_ratio 1.0;
        # the audio overflow ratio.
        # for pure audio, the duration to reap the segment.
        # for example, the hls_fragment is 10s, hls_aof_ratio is 1.2,
        # the segment will reap to 12s for pure audio.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_AOF_RATIO for all vhosts.
        # default: 1.2
        hls_aof_ratio 1.2;
        # the hls window in seconds, the number of ts in m3u8.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_WINDOW for all vhosts.
        # default: 60
        hls_window 60;
        # the error strategy. can be:
        #       ignore, disable the hls.
        #       disconnect, require encoder republish.
        #       continue, ignore failed try to continue output hls.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_ON_ERROR for all vhosts.
        # default: continue
        hls_on_error continue;
        # the hls output path.
        # the m3u8 file is configured by hls_path/hls_m3u8_file, the default is:
        #       ./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream].m3u8
        # the ts file is configured by hls_path/hls_ts_file, the default is:
        #       ./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream]-[seq].ts
        # @remark the hls_path is compatible with srs v1 config.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_PATH for all vhosts.
        # default: ./objs/nginx/html
        hls_path ./objs/nginx/html;
        # the hls m3u8 file name.
        # we supports some variables to generate the filename.
        #       [vhost], the vhost of stream.
        #       [app], the app of stream.
        #       [stream], the stream name of stream.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_M3U8_FILE for all vhosts.
        # default: [app]/[stream].m3u8
        hls_m3u8_file [app]/[stream].m3u8;
        # the hls ts file name.
        # we supports some variables to generate the filename.
        #       [vhost], the vhost of stream.
        #       [app], the app of stream.
        #       [stream], the stream name of stream.
        #       [2006], replace this const to current year.
        #       [01], replace this const to current month.
        #       [02], replace this const to current date.
        #       [15], replace this const to current hour.
        #       [04], replace this const to current minute.
        #       [05], replace this const to current second.
        #       [999], replace this const to current millisecond.
        #       [timestamp],replace this const to current UNIX timestamp in ms.
        #       [seq], the sequence number of ts.
        #       [duration], replace this const to current ts duration.
        # @see
        # @see
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_TS_FILE for all vhosts.
        # default: [app]/[stream]-[seq].ts
        hls_ts_file [app]/[stream]-[seq].ts;
        # the hls entry prefix, which is base url of ts url.
        # for example, the prefix is:
        #         http://your-server/
        # then, the ts path in m3u8 will be like:
        #         http://your-server/live/livestream-0.ts
        #         http://your-server/live/livestream-1.ts
        #         ...
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_ENTRY_PREFIX for all vhosts.
        # optional, default to empty string.
        hls_entry_prefix http://your-server;
        # the default audio codec of hls.
        # when codec changed, write the PAT/PMT table, but maybe ok util next ts.
        # so user can set the default codec for mp3.
        # the available audio codec:
        #       aac, mp3, an
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_ACODEC for all vhosts.
        # default: aac
        hls_acodec aac;
        # the default video codec of hls.
        # when codec changed, write the PAT/PMT table, but maybe ok util next ts.
        # so user can set the default codec for pure audio(without video) to vn.
        # the available video codec:
        #       h264, vn
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_VCODEC for all vhosts.
        # default: h264
        hls_vcodec h264;
        # whether cleanup the old expired ts files.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_CLEANUP for all vhosts.
        # default: on
        hls_cleanup on;
        # If there is no incoming packets, dispose HLS in this timeout in seconds,
        # which removes all HLS files including m3u8 and ts files.
        # @remark 0 to disable dispose for publisher.
        # @remark apply for publisher timeout only, while "etc/init.d/srs stop" always dispose hls.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_DISPOSE for all vhosts.
        # default: 120
        hls_dispose 120;
        # whether wait keyframe to reap segment,
        # if off, reap segment when duration exceed the fragment,
        # if on, reap segment when duration exceed and got keyframe.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_WAIT_KEYFRAME for all vhosts.
        # default: on
        hls_wait_keyframe on;
        # whether use floor for the hls_ts_file path generation.
        # if on, use floor(timestamp/hls_fragment) as the variable [timestamp],
        #       and use enhanced algorithm to calc deviation for segment.
        # @remark when floor on, recommend the hls_segment>=2*gop.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_TS_FLOOR for all vhosts.
        # default: off
        hls_ts_floor off;
        # the max size to notify hls,
        # to read max bytes from ts of specified cdn network,
        # @remark only used when on_hls_notify is config.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_NB_NOTIFY for all vhosts.
        # default: 64
        hls_nb_notify 64;

        # Whether enable hls_ctx for HLS streaming, for which we create a "fake" connection for HTTP API and callback.
        # For each HLS streaming session, we use a child m3u8 with a session identified by query "hls_ctx", it simply
        # work as the session id.
        # Once the HLS streaming session is created, we will cleanup it when timeout in 2*hls_window seconds. So it
        # takes a long time period to identify the timeout.
        # Now we got a HLS stremaing session, just like RTMP/WebRTC/HTTP-FLV streaming, we're able to stat the session
        # as a "fake" connection, do HTTP callback when start playing the HLS streaming. You're able to do querying and
        # authentication.
        # Note that it will make NGINX edge cache always missed, so never enable HLS streaming if use NGINX edges.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_CTX for all vhosts.
        # Default: on
        hls_ctx on;
        # For HLS pseudo streaming, whether enable the session for each TS segment.
        # If enabled, SRS HTTP API will show the statistics about HLS streaming bandwidth, both m3u8 and ts file. Please
        # note that it also consumes resource, because each ts file should be served by SRS, all NGINX cache will be
        # missed because we add session id to each ts file.
        # Note that it will make NGINX edge cache always missed, so never enable HLS streaming if use NGINX edges.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_TS_CTX for all vhosts.
        # Default: on
        hls_ts_ctx on;

        # whether using AES encryption.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_KEYS for all vhosts.
        # default: off
        hls_keys on;
        # the number of clear ts which one key can encrypt.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_FRAGMENTS_PER_KEY for all vhosts.
        # default: 5
        hls_fragments_per_key 5;
        # the hls key file name.
        # we supports some variables to generate the filename.
        #       [vhost], the vhost of stream.
        #       [app], the app of stream.
        #       [stream], the stream name of stream.
        #       [seq], the sequence number of key corresponding to the ts.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_KEY_FILE for all vhosts.
        hls_key_file [app]/[stream]-[seq].key;
        # the key output path.
        # the key file is configed by hls_path/hls_key_file, the default is:
        # ./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream]-[seq].key
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_KEY_FILE_PATH for all vhosts.
        hls_key_file_path ./objs/nginx/html;
        # the key root URL, use this can support https.
        # @remark It's optional.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_KEY_URL for all vhosts.
        hls_key_url https://localhost:8080;

        # Special control controls.
        # Whether calculate the DTS of audio frame directly.
        # If on, guess the specific DTS by AAC samples, please read
        # If off, directly turn the FLV timestamp to DTS, which might cause corrupt audio stream.
        # @remark Recommend to set to off, unless your audio stream sample-rate and timestamp is not correct.
        # Overwrite by env SRS_VHOST_HLS_HLS_DTS_DIRECTLY for all vhosts.
        # Default: on
        hls_dts_directly on;

        # on_hls, never config in here, should config in http_hooks.
        # for the hls http callback, @see http_hooks.on_hls of vhost
        # @see
        # @see

        # on_hls_notify, never config in here, should config in http_hooks.
        # we support the variables to generate the notify url:
        #       [app], replace with the app.
        #       [stream], replace with the stream.
        #       [param], replace with the param.
        #       [ts_url], replace with the ts url.
        # for the hls http callback, @see http_hooks.on_hls_notify of vhost
        # @see
        # @see

Note: 这些配置只是播放HLS相关的配置,推流的配置请根据你的协议,比如参考RTMP或者SRT或者WebRTC的推流配置。


  • enabled:是否开启HLS,on/off,默认off。
  • hls_fragment:秒,指定ts切片的最小长度。实际上ts文件的长度请参考HLS TS Duration的详细说明。
  • hls_td_ratio:正常切片时长倍数。实际上ts文件的长度请参考HLS TS Duration的详细说明。
  • hls_wait_keyframe: 是否按top切片,即等待到关键帧后开始切片。实际上ts文件的长度请参考HLS TS Duration的详细说明。
  • hls_aof_ratio: 纯音频切片时长倍数。纯音频时,当ts时长超过配置的ls_fragment乘以这个系数时就切割文件。实际上ts文件的长度请参考HLS TS Duration的详细说明。
  • hls_window:秒,指定HLS窗口大小,即m3u8中ts文件的时长之和,决定了m3u8中ts文件数量,详细参考HLS TS Files
  • hls_path:HLS的m3u8和ts文件保存的路径。m3u8和ts文件都保存在这个目录中。
  • hls_m3u8_file: HLS的m3u8文件名,包含可替换的[vhost],[app][stream]变量。
  • hls_ts_file: HLS的ts文件名,包含可替换的一系列变量,参考dvr variables,另外,[seq]是ts的seqence number。
  • hls_entry_prefix: TS的base url。可选默认为空字符串;非空时加在ts前面作为base url。
  • hls_acodec: 默认的音频编码。当流的编码改变时,会更新PMT/PAT信息;默认是aac,因此默认的PMT/PAT信息是aac;如果流是mp3,那么可以配置这个参数为mp3,避免PMT/PAT改变。
  • hls_vcodec: 默认的视频编码。当流的编码改变时,会更新PMT/PAT信息;默认是h264。如果是纯音频HLS,可以配置为vn,可以减少SRS检测纯音频的时间,直接进入纯音频模式。
  • hls_cleanup: 是否删除过期的ts切片,不在hls_window中就是过期。可以关闭清除ts切片,实现时移和存储,使用自己的切片管理系统。
  • hls_dispose: 在没有流时,HLS清理的过期时间(秒),系统重启或者超过这个时间时,清理HLS的所有文件,包括m3u8和ts。若配置为0,则不清理。
  • hls_nb_notify: 从notify服务器读取数据的长度。
  • on_hls: 当切片生成时,回调这个url,使用POST回调。用来和自己的系统集成,譬如实现切片移动等。
  • on_hls_notify: 当切片生成时,回调这个url,使用GET回调。用来和系统集成,可以使用[ts_url]变量,实现预分发(即下载一次ts片)。

HLS TS Duration


若有视频,切片时长为max(hls_fragment*hls_td_ratio, gop_size*N),即hls_fragmentgop_size中的最大值。 而gop_size则是由编码器决定的,比如OBS可以设置GOP大小单位是秒,而FFmpeg则是帧数量结合帧率可以换算成秒。


  • hls_fragment是10秒,那么最终的TS切片时长就是10秒。
  • hls_fragment是5秒,那么最终的TS切片时长就是6秒,此时有3个GOP。
  • hls_fragment是5秒,hls_td_ratio是2,那么最终的TS切片时长就是10秒。

若配置了hls_wait_keyframe off,则不再参考GOP大小,无论GOP多大,假设GOP是10秒:

  • hls_fragment是10秒,那么最终的TS切片时长就是10秒。
  • hls_fragment是5秒,那么最终的TS切片时长就是5秒。
  • hls_fragment是3秒,hls_td_ratio是2,那么最终的TS切片时长就是6秒。

Note: 由此可见,关闭hls_wait_keyframe后,可以减少切片大小,从而减少延迟,但是由于以非关键帧开头,有些播放器开始播放时可能会有花屏。


  • hls_fragment是10秒,hls_aof_ratio是1.2,那么最终的TS切片时长就是12秒。
  • hls_fragment是5秒,hls_aof_ratio是1,那么最终的TS切片时长就是5秒。


HLS TS Files

m3u8中的TS文件数量,由TS的时长和hls_window决定的。 当TS的总时长,超过hls_window后,丢弃第一个m3u8中的第一个切片, 直到ts的总时长在这个配置项范围之内。


hls_window >= sum(m3u8中每个ts的时长)

举个例子,若hls_window是60秒,hls_fragment是10秒,若TS实际切片时长是10秒,那么m3u8中的ts文件数量是6个。 当然TS实际切片时长,可能比hls_fragment要大,具体参考HLS TS Duration

HTTP Callback




HLS Authentication

SRS支持HLS客户端播放和在线人数的统计,默认会开启hls_ctxhls_ts_ctx,这样HLS和其他协议一样,可以通过回调实现鉴权播放和数据统计。 比如在播放HLS时,通过on_play回调返回错误,实现拒绝客户端播放的功能。

vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    hls {
        enabled  on;
        hls_ctx on;
        hls_ts_ctx on;

但这个功能会导致HLS在CDN的缓存失效,因为每个播放都会有不同的ctx_id,类似会话ID的功能。因此,在HLS Cluster 中必须关闭这两个选项。

HLS Dispose




vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    hls {
        enabled  on;
        hls_dispose 120;

若需要更快清理,则可以缩短这个清理时间,但这个配置不能配置太短,建议不要小于hls_window,否则可能会在重新推流时, 出现过早清理的情况,导致播放器无法访问到HLS流。




mkdir -p /ramdisk &&
mount -o size=7G -t tmpfs none /ramdisk

Note: 取消挂载内存盘,可以使用命令unmount /randisk即可。

Note: 若流路数不多,需要磁盘空间不大,可以将HLS切片写入/tmp目录,/tmp默认就是内存盘。


HLS Delivery Cluster

部署HLS的分发集群,边缘分发集群,实现自建CDN分发HLS,解决海量的观看问题,请参考Nginx for HLS

HLS Low Latency

如何降低HLS延迟?关键减少切片数量,减少m3u8中的TS文件数量。SRS的默认配置是10秒一个切片,60秒一个m3u8,这样延迟是30秒左右。 因为有些播放器是从中间位置开始请求切片,也就是第3个切片开始请求,因此会有3个切片的延迟。


  • 减少GOP大小,比如设置OBS的GOP为1秒,或者FFmpeg的GOP为FPS的帧数。
  • 减少编码器的延迟,比如设置OBS为配置(Profile)baseline,选择微调(Tune)zerolatency
  • 减少hls_fragment,比如设置为2秒,或者1秒。
  • 减少hls_window,比如配置为10秒,或者5秒。
  • 使用低延迟播放器,比如hls.js或者ijkplayer或ffplay,不要使用VLC等很高延迟的播放器。


vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    hls {
        enabled  on;
        hls_fragment 2;
        hls_window 10;

Note: 若无法调整编码器的OGP大小,则可以考虑配置hls_wait_keyframe off,不参考GOP,但可能会有花屏,请测试你的设备的支持情况。

当然,也不能减少得非常少,容易造成播放器缓冲不足,或者播放器网络不佳时跳片,可能会有播放失败。 延迟越低,卡顿概率越高,HLS的延迟并不能做到5秒之内,特别是考虑CDN和播放器的适配情况。

尽管调整后HLS的延迟会降低,但是也不会低于5秒,而且LLHLS协议也不能再降低延迟,因为LLHLS只是尝试解决了开始播放时的GOP的影响, 在上面的配置中,我们通过编码器的配置同样降低了GOP的影响,而网络抖动和播放器策略都是HLS延迟偏高的原因,而且无法解决。 如果需要5秒之内的延迟,建议使用HTTP-FLV或者SRT或者WebRTC等协议。

ON HLS Notify


HLS Audio Corrupt




HLS Audio Only

SRS支持分发HLS纯音频流,当RTMP流没有视频,且音频为aac(可以使用转码转为aac,参考Usage: Transcode2HLS),SRS只切片音频。

若RTMP流中已经有视频和音频,需要支持纯音频HLS流,可以用转码将视频去掉,参考:转码: 禁用流。然后分发音频流。


HLS and Forward



HLS and Transcode




vhost {
    transcode {
        enabled     on;
        ffmpeg      ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg;
        engine hls {
            enabled         on;
            vfilter {
            vcodec          libx264;
            vbitrate        500;
            vfps            20;
            vwidth          768;
            vheight         320;
            vthreads        2;
            vprofile        baseline;
            vpreset         superfast;
            vparams {
                g           100;
            acodec          libaacplus;
            abitrate        45;
            asample_rate    44100;
            achannels       2;
            aparams {
            output          rtmp://[port]/[app]?vhost=[vhost]/[stream]_[engine];


HLS Multiple Bitrate

SRS目前不支持HLS自适应码流,因为一般需要将一个码流转码为多个码流,而且需要GOP对齐,可以使用FFmpeg实现, 参考How to generate multiple resolutions HLS using FFmpeg for live streaming

Apple Examples


HLS Encryption
