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HTTP FLV Cluster Example

About the HTTP FLV cluster of SRS, read HTTP FLV

How to use multiple process for HTTP FLV? Please read Reuse Port for detail.

This example show how to deploy three SRS instance, listen at different port at a machine(user can deploy each to different machine, use same port), while one is origin server, another two are edge servers. We can publish RTMP to origin or edge, and play the RTMP/FLV at any edge. The latency is same to RTMP, 0.8-1s.

Suppose the server ip is

Step 1, get SRS

For detail, read GIT

git clone
cd srs/trunk

Or update the exists code:

git pull

Step 2, build SRS

For detail, read Build

./configure && make

Step 3, config origin SRS

For detail, read HTTP FLV

Save bellow as config, or use conf/

# conf/
listen              1935;
max_connections     1000;
http_server {
    enabled         on;
    listen          8080;
    dir             ./objs/nginx/html;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    http_remux {
        enabled     on;
        mount       [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv;
        hstrs       on;

Step 4, config edge SRS

For detail, read HTTP FLV

Save bellow as config, or use conf/ or conf/

# conf/
listen              19351;
max_connections     1000;
pid                 objs/;
srs_log_file        objs/srs.flv.19351.log;
http_server {
    enabled         on;
    listen          8081;
    dir             ./objs/nginx/html;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    mode remote;
    http_remux {
        enabled     on;
        mount       [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv;
        hstrs       on;

Step 5, start SRS

For detail, read HTTP FLV

./objs/srs -c conf/ &
./objs/srs -c conf/ &
./objs/srs -c conf/ &

Step 6, start Encoder

For detail, read read HTTP FLV

Use FFMPEG to publish stream:

    for((;;)); do \
        ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv \
        -c copy \
        -f flv rtmp://; \
        sleep 1; \

Or use FMLE to publish:

FMS URL: rtmp://
Stream: livestream

The streams on SRS origin:

  • RTMP: rtmp://

The streams on SRS edge1:

  • RTMP: rtmp://

The streams on SRS edge2:

  • RTMP: rtmp://

Step 7, play RTMP

For detail, read HTTP FLV

Origin RTMP url is: rtmp://, User can use vlc to play the RTMP stream.

Edge1 RTMP url is: rtmp://, User can use vlc to play the RTMP stream.

Edge2 RTMP url is: rtmp://, User can use vlc to play the RTMP stream.

Note: Please replace all ip to your server ip.

Step 8, play HTTP FLV

For detail, read HTTP FLV

Origin HTTP FLV url:, User can use vlc to play the HLS stream. Or, use online SRS player(you must input the flv url): srs-player

Edge1 HTTP FLV url:, User can use vlc to play the HLS stream. Or, use online SRS player(you must input the flv url): srs-player

Edge2 HTTP FLV url:, User can use vlc to play the HLS stream. Or, use online SRS player(you must input the flv url): srs-player

Note: Please replace all ip to your server ip.

Winlin 2014.11