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Version: 6.0 (Alpha) 🚀

Reuse Port

You can use REUSE_PORT for different use scenarios.

For Edge Server

The performance of SRS2 is improved huge, but is it enough? Absolutely NOT! In SRS3, we provide OriginCluster for multiple origin servers to work together, and go-oryx as a tcp proxy for edge server, and these are not good enough, so we support SO_REUSEPORT feature for multiple processes edge server.

Remark: The SO_REUSEPORT requires Linux Kernel 3.9+, so you should upgrade your kernel for CentOS6, or you could choose Ubuntu20.

First, we start a edge server which listen at 1935:

./objs/srs -c conf/edge.conf

Then, at the same server, start another edge server which also listen at 1935:

./objs/srs -c conf/edge2.conf

Note: They should use different pid file, or it will fail to start the second edge server.

There are two SRS edge servers:

[root@bf2e88b31f9b trunk]# ps aux|grep srs
root       381  0.1  0.0  19888  5752 pts/2    S+   08:03   0:01 ./objs/srs -c conf/edge.conf
root       383  0.0  0.0  19204  5468 pts/1    S+   08:04   0:00 ./objs/srs -c conf/edge2.conf

[root@bf2e88b31f9b trunk]# lsof -p 381
srs     381 root    7u     IPv6  18835      0t0        TCP *:macromedia-fcs (LISTEN)
[root@bf2e88b31f9b trunk]# lsof -p 383
srs     383 root    7u     IPv6  17831      0t0        TCP *:macromedia-fcs (LISTEN)

After that, we start the origin server, from which these edge server to pull streams:

./objs/srs -c conf/origin.conf 

Finally, we could publish to origin/edge, and play stream from each edge server:

    for((;;)); do \
        ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv \
        -c copy \
        -f flv rtmp://; \
        sleep 1; \

Use VLC to play the RTMP stream: rtmp://

For Origin Server

You can use REUSE_PORT in Origin Server. Each Origin Server is isolated, only works for HLS:

Client --->-- + Origin Servers  +------> Player

Note: If need to deliver RTMP or HTTP-FLV, pelease use OriginCluster.

Start the first Origin Server, listen at 1935 and 8080, covert RTMP to HLS:

./objs/srs -c conf/origin.hls.only1.conf

Start the second Origin Server, listen at 1935 and 8080, covert RTMP to HLS:

./objs/srs -c conf/origin.hls.only2.conf

Publish stream to origin, system will select a random Origin Server:

./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/livestream1

Publish another stream to origin, system will select a random Origin Server:

./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/livestream2

Note: It works only for HLS, please use OriginCluster for RTMP or HTTP-FLV.