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Version: 4.0 (Archived) đŸ“Ļ

RTMP low latency deploy example

The SRS realtime(low latency) mode can decrease the latency to 0.8-3s. For detail about latency, read LowLatency.

Suppose the server ip is

Step 1, get SRS

For detail, read GIT

git clone
cd srs/trunk

Or update the exists code:

git pull

Step 2, build SRS

For detail, read Build

./configure && make

Step 3, config SRS

For detail, read LowLatency

Save bellow as config, or use conf/realtime.conf:

# conf/realtime.conf
listen              1935;
max_connections     1000;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    tcp_nodelay     on;
    min_latency     on;

    play {
        gop_cache       off;
        queue_length    10;
        mw_latency      100;

    publish {
        mr off;

Step 4, start SRS

For detail, read LowLatency

./objs/srs -c conf/realtime.conf

Step 5, start Encoder

For detail, read LowLatency

Use FFMPEG to publish stream:

    for((;;)); do \
        ./objs/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv \
        -c copy \
        -f flv rtmp://; \
        sleep 1; \

Or use FMLE to publish:

FMS URL: rtmp://
Stream: livestream

Note: To measure the latency, can use the clock of mobile phone. latency

Step 6, play RTMP

For detail, read LowLatency

RTMP url is: rtmp://

User can use vlc to play the RTMP stream.

Note: Please replace all ip to your server ip.

Winlin 2014.12